
Being There For Mom and Baby
Cooing happily with her mom and big sister, 4-month-old Juliette is the picture of health. Yet, no one would have predicted such a healthy outcome when her mom, Diana, was pregnant. As with her first pregnancy, Diana had developed hyperemesis gravidarum – severe nausea and vomiting – and her body was preserving every ounce of nutrition for her developing baby. Diana’s weight was dropping dangerously low and a pre-existing heart condition complicated her struggle, increasing her heart rate and causing fatigue.

From Despair to Hope
Not long ago, I lost three people I love very much: my mother, my father and then my sister. When they died – all within the course of two years – I fell into deep despair. My heart was broken and I was in pain. I was alone most of the time because my husband worked constantly. Later, we ended up separating. I had two children and was having a very hard time raising them, especially my older son who is on the autism spectrum.

Minh Found a Circle of Support
Have you ever needed a friend during a difficult time? Minh is a devoted mother who recognized she needed a friend during a time of great vulnerability: after the arrival of her baby. Allow me to share a bit more. Minh and her husband are the dedicated parents of two healthy daughters — Michelle, 4-1/2 and 2-year-old Ada. When Ada was just weeks old, Minh was referred by her birth hospital to MOMS Orange County for breastfeeding support and Mommy & Me classes.