From Despair to Hope
Not long ago, I lost three people I love very much: my mother, my father and then my sister.
When they died – all within the course of two years – I fell into deep despair. My heart was broken and I was in pain. I was alone most of the time because my husband worked constantly. Later, we ended up separating. I had two children and was having a very hard time raising them, especially my older son who is on the autism spectrum.
My world became hopeless and I felt overwhelmed. It all became too much for me and one day I swallowed an entire bottle of pills. Thankfully, I was found and hospitalized.
Months later, I became pregnant. I had not planned this and I was scared and embarrassed. How could I be the mom I needed to be for this baby and for my other kids? My obstetrician referred me to MOMS Orange County for pregnancy education and also for depression.
Rita became my MOMS Home Visitor and right away she said, “Hilda, I am not here to judge you; I am here to walk this journey with you. Life is not easy, but you will get through this.”
In the beginning, she called me every week. I really needed someone to listen to me. She encouraged me and built my confidence. She also gave me lots of information and coaching on caring for myself, my pregnancy and about infant health and development. She provided diapers and other infant essentials. She also helped me get more professional counseling after my initial therapy ended. She has been there for me all the way.
When my newborn boy arrived this past August, I knew the road ahead wouldn’t magically be easy, but I was more prepared. I felt stronger as a mother. Also, I found myself falling in love with my baby boy.
Thanks to therapy and the support of MOMS Orange County, I am no longer alone and I have become a better mom to my children.
I hope you will give to MOMS Orange County so other women like me can find the hope and strength we need.